The Gods (Te Atua) is one of a series of ten woodcuts titled Noa Noa (the Tahitian word for fragrance) that Gauguin executed after his return to Paris from Tahiti in 1893. The prints were intended to illustrate a text about his experiences in the South Seas. The project was never published as he had planned, but he had hoped this book would provide a background for the public's understanding of his new Symbolist paintings. The imposing idols seen here reflect the figural style of oceanic sculptures that Gauguin had seen during his travels.

This impression is one of only about seven that Gauguin printed himself before turing the block over to a professional printer, Louis Roy, who then pulled an edition of 25. The dark and mysterious areas of the composition, enhanced through Gauguin's selective inking and wiping, create an aura of the exotic and the spiritual.

保罗.高更  1848-1903  《上帝》Noa Noa系列 1893-94

《上帝》(Te Atua) 是Gauguin于1893年从塔希提岛返回巴黎后制作的题为Noa Noa (香味的塔希提语)的一系列共10幅木刻作品之一。这一些列作品的目的是为了给他在在南部海域经历的相关文字配说明插图。 但这个项目并未按照他的计划发布,他曾希望这本书能够为公众理解他的象征主义绘画提供背景信息。 这幅作品中突出的神像反映了高更在旅行中所见到的大洋雕塑的形象风格。

这幅版画是高更在将这块木版转给专业版画师Louis Roy之前自己印制的七张之一,版画师随后印出了25张。通过高更选择性的上墨和擦拭,增强了构图的黑色和神秘的区域, 形成一种异国情调和精神性的灵光。