Kirchner was one of the founding members of the German Expressionist group Die Brucke in 1905. Influenced by Munch and tribal art from Africa and Oceania, the Brucke artists' desire to create strong, emotional statements was well served by the inherent rawness of the woodcut technique. They also advocated the woodcut for its associations with medieval German art. In this print, Kirchner's crude cuts and awkwardly posed figures are combined with a sophisticated sense of composition; a huge, looming black hat creates a sense of spatial ambiguity and effectively merges foreground and background.

恩斯特·路德维希·凯尔希纳 1880-1938  《裸舞者》1909

Kirchner是1905年开始的德国表现主义组织“桥社”的创始成员之一。受蒙克和来自非洲大洋洲部落艺术的影响,“桥社”艺术家决定创作强烈的情感表达,而木刻技法固有的粗狂原始的特性可以很好的服务于这一目的。他们推崇木刻还因为其与中世纪德国艺术有关。 在这幅作品中,Kirchner粗狂的刀法、笨拙放置的人物,与构图的复杂感相结合;  一顶巨大的、影影绰绰的黑帽子营造出一种空间模糊感,有效的融合了前景和背景。